Electronic cigarette research

Electronic cigarette research

Smoking, which affects human health negatively and is known as the cause of many diseases, is a habit in which people who are addicted to it are struggling or trying to quit. Day by day in many areas around the world smoking cessation methods are emerging. For some reason, smoking cessation methods have not achieved great success on smokers. There are many reasons for these. Recently, electronic cigarette production has become widespread for people who cannot quit smoking but have a hand and lip addiction.

Electronic cigarettes are seen as being preferred by many people due to the absence of ash and fever as in normal cigarettes. It is also known that electronic cigarettes and normal cigarettes are preferred because of the lack of bad cigarette smoke they give to the environment. Many people say that electronic cigarettes are no different from normal cigarettes and that electronic cigarettes are harmful to human health, which is known to be 95% less than normal cigarettes. Unfortunately, the researches carried out abroad cannot be done in our country. However, the use of electronic cigarettes abroad is quite high and the most widely used country is known as England. Even if people know that electronic cigarettes are harmful, they prefer at least because of the absence of ash and smoke.

Electronic cigarettes are an electronic device that is powered by a battery or battery, with a mechanism that produces steam. When the person inhales, the active substance in the same cigarette evaporates with the heating of the device. As soon as the person is shooting into the liquid, the liquid in the atomizer evaporates by means of the coil and comes out of the device to the person's airways. It varies according to the active ingredient and the user's own will during the period of use. When the active substances in the electronic cigarettes are exhausted, new ones are purchased and used. These active substances may be in various fruit flavors or in normal cigarette flavors.

Although many people talk about the damages of electronic cigarettes, no detailed research on e-cigarettes has been conducted in our country yet. There are many people in our country who do not have enough information about the usage and contents of the devices that make up electronic cigarettes. As trelektroniksigara we provide services to answer all your questions by live support - whatsapp - mail - phone. There are different opinions from many circles about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or harmless. However, even if e-cigarettes are thought to be harmful, it is stated that people will not suffer more than the damages they will get from normal cigarettes. In particular, the absence of ash, fever, and bad odor conditions does not adversely affect at least non-smokers.

Electronic cigarettes are widely used in many countries in Europe. Although electronic cigarettes are widely used in our country, however, they are considered hesitant. There is a prejudice for electronic cigarettes for smokers, especially as the Ministry of Health's statements do not satisfy people. The major reason for this is that electronic cigarettes are common in European countries such as England, Germany, Netherlands, which are considered as developed countries known by the whole world and it is recommended as a tool to help stop smoking. A detailed research on electronic cigarettes in our country and as a result of these researches to determine the damages or benefits of electronic cigarettes will remove the question marks in the minds of many people. The prohibition of the sale of electronic cigarettes is still being debated, so no independent investigation is possible in our country.

While many studies conducted in the international field indicated that some circles should be prejudiced about electronic cigarettes, they stated that some circles were not more harmful than normal cigarettes. Due to the fact that there are two different views, there is no clear idea about electronic cigarettes. Such different opinions have led people to hesitate to use electronic cigarettes.

Although electronic cigarettes are said to be harmful, they continue to spread day by day because they provide ease of use by users. Today the use of electronic cigarettes across the globe is increasing every passing day. If a thorough investigation into the harms and benefits is made, the view towards electronic cigarettes may change.


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